Catan Rules for Beginners

Settlers of Catan interpretation by Midjourney

Catan Rules for Beginners

Welcome to the world of Catan, a beloved board game that has captivated players around the globe. Whether you’re new to the game or just need a refresher, this guide will walk you through the rules and help you understand the fundamentals of Catan.

Catan is a strategic game of resource management and territorial expansion. The goal is to build and develop settlements, roads, and cities on the island of Catan, while trading with and sometimes competing against other players. With its easy-to-learn rules and endless strategic possibilities, Catan offers an engaging and immersive gaming experience for beginners and experienced players alike.

In this section, we will provide a comprehensive overview of the rules, guiding you through the setup process, gameplay mechanics, trading strategies, and more. By the end of this guide, you’ll be ready to embark on your Catan journey with confidence. So let’s dive into the exciting world of Catan and discover the rules that govern this captivating game.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understand the objective of Catan: to build settlements, roads, and cities while accumulating victory points.
  • Familiarize yourself with the game components, including the game board, resource cards, development cards, and settlements.
  • Learn the basics of gameplay, such as taking turns, rolling dice, acquiring resources, and expanding your territory.
  • Master the art of trading with other players to acquire the resources you need.
  • Discover the strategic importance of development cards and the special actions they provide.

Getting Started

Before you can fully immerse yourself in the excitement of Catan, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the game’s components and understand how to set up the game. This section will guide you through the basics, from exploring the game board to understanding the Catan rules to grasping the objective of the game.

Understanding the Components

Catan consists of several essential components that form the foundation of the game:

  • The Game Board: The central piece of Catan that represents the island where players will build their settlements and roads.
  • Resource Cards: These cards represent the valuable resources in Catan, such as brick, lumber, wool, grain, and ore. You’ll need these resources to build structures and expand your empire.
  • Development Cards: These cards provide special abilities and advantages that can give you an edge over your opponents. Development cards offer various benefits, including extra resources, knights for protection, and victory point cards.
  • Settlements: The foundation of your civilization in Catan, settlements allow you to collect resources and expand your territory.

Setting Up the Game

To set up the game, follow these steps:

  1. Place the game board in the center of the playing area, ensuring that it is easily accessible for all players.
  2. Randomly distribute the resource cards, ensuring that each hexagonal space on the game board has a corresponding resource card.
  3. Place the numerical tokens on each hexagonal space, ensuring that they correspond to the numbers on the resource cards.
  4. Each player chooses a color and takes the corresponding settlements, roads, and resource cards.
  5. Decide who goes first, and the game begins!

The Objective of the Game

The objective of Catan is to be the first player to reach 10 victory points. Victory points can be earned by various means, such as building settlements and cities, acquiring certain development cards, or accomplishing specific goals.

Getting started with Catan is an exciting adventure into a world of strategy and resource management. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the game’s components and Catan rules, set up the board, and understand the ultimate objective. Once you’ve mastered the basics, you’ll be ready to compete for victory in this captivating board game.

Catan Rules: The Basics of Gameplay

Understanding the basics of gameplay is essential to enjoying a game of Catan. In this section, we will explore the fundamental mechanics and Catan rules that make the game such a captivating board game experience. From taking turns to acquiring resources, we will guide you through the ins and outs of playing Catan.

Taking Turns and Rolling Dice

Under Catan rules, players take turns in a clockwise order, starting with the first player. On your turn, you roll two dice to determine which hexes produce resources and distribute them accordingly. The number rolled on the dice corresponds to the numbered tokens placed on the intersections of the hexes. These tokens indicate which hexes are active for resource production.

Example: If you roll a 5 and a 9, any hexes with a numbered token of 5 or 9 will produce resources for all players with settlements or cities bordering those hexes.

Acquiring Resources

Resources are the lifeblood of Catan, allowing you to build and expand your settlements and cities. There are five resources in the game: brick, lumber, wool, grain, and ore. Each resource is represented by a corresponding resource card, and you acquire resources by having a settlement or city bordering a hex that produces the resource when its number is rolled.

Example: If you have a settlement or city adjacent to a forest hex and a 6 is rolled, you will receive a lumber resource card.

Settlements, Roads, and Cities

Building settlements, roads, and cities is key to expanding your territory and acquiring victory points in Catan. At the start of the game, each player places two settlements and two roads on the board. Settlements are placed at the corners of tiles, while roads connect settlements and allow for further expansion.

As the game progresses, you can upgrade your settlements to cities, gaining additional resources and victory points. Cities provide double the resource production of settlements and are a valuable asset in your quest for victory.

Expanding Your Territory

To expand your territory in Catan, you’ll need to build roads and settlements, strategically claiming valuable resources and blocking your opponents’ expansion. By connecting roads and establishing settlements, you can gradually expand your influence across the island, gaining access to more hexes and increasing your resource income.

Quote: “In Catan, every move matters. The decisions you make in expanding your territory can greatly impact your resource production and overall strategy.” – Experienced Catan player

By understanding the basics of Catan gameplay and the Catan rules, you will be well-equipped to start your journey as a settler on the island. In the next section, we will delve into the intricacies of trading and building, essential skills for success in Catan.

Trading and Building

In the game of Catan, trading and building are essential strategies that can greatly influence your success. By engaging in trade with other players, you can acquire the resources you need to expand your settlements and build impressive structures. Let’s explore the intricacies of trading and the different building options available within the Catan rules.

Initiating Trades

Trading is a fundamental aspect of Catan, allowing you to exchange resources with other players to meet your objectives. To initiate a trade, you must communicate with your opponents and propose a fair deal. It’s important to consider the value of the resources being exchanged and negotiate in a way that benefits both parties.

In Catan rules, trading can be conducted in various ways:

  • Direct Trading: You can negotiate one-on-one deals with a specific player, offering resources and requesting what you need in return.
  • Maritime Trade: If you have a settlement or city adjacent to a port, you can utilize maritime trade to exchange resources at a more favorable rate.
  • Trading with the Bank: If you don’t have favorable trade options with other players, you can trade four of the same resource with the bank in exchange for one resource of your choice.

Building Structures

In Catan, building structures is a key strategy for gaining victory points and increasing your chances of winning. Here are the structures you can construct:

Road1 brick, 1 lumberExpands your road network, allowing you to connect settlements and cities.
Settlement1 brick, 1 lumber, 1 grain, 1 woolEarns you victory points, produces resources, and can be upgraded to a city.
City2 grain, 3 oreDoubles resource production from adjacent settlements and provides additional victory points.
Development Card1 grain, 1 wool, 1 oreOffers various benefits such as extra resources, victory points, and strategic advantages.

By strategically building roads, settlements, cities, and acquiring development cards, you can gain an advantage over your opponents in Catan. Remember to plan your moves carefully and adapt your tactics based on the available resources and the evolving board.

Development Cards and Special Actions

In the game of Catan, development cards are a valuable asset that can provide players with special abilities and advantages. These cards bring strategic elements to the game and can turn the tide in your favor. In this section, we will explore how to acquire and use development cards, as well as discuss the different types and their effects on gameplay.

Acquiring Development Cards

Development cards can be obtained by spending resources, specifically wheat, ore, and sheep. During your turn, you can trade these resources with the bank to purchase a development card. The cost is one sheep, one ore, and one wheat.

It’s important to note that development cards are purchased blindly, meaning you do not know what card you will receive until you draw it. This element of uncertainty adds an intriguing aspect to the gameplay, as you must strategize and decide when the right time is to invest in development cards.

Using Development Cards

Once you have acquired a development card, you can choose when to play it during your turn. Development cards offer various special actions and benefits that can give you an advantage over your opponents. Here are some examples:

  • Knight Card: The knight card allows you to move the robber to a different location on the game board. This can be strategically advantageous as it can block your opponent’s resource production and potentially steal a card from them.
  • Monopoly Card: The monopoly card allows you to choose a specific resource type, and all other players must give you all of their cards of that resource. This can be a game-changing move if used at the right time.
  • Victory Point Card: The victory point card is worth one point towards winning the game. It does not provide any immediate actions or benefits, but it can contribute to your overall victory if you collect enough point cards.

Each development card can only be played once, with the exception of the knight card, which can be played multiple times throughout the game. It’s crucial to strategize and decide when to play each card to maximize their impact on the game.

Development cards in Catan offer players special abilities and advantages, providing an exciting strategic element to the game. By acquiring and utilizing these cards effectively, you can gain an edge over your opponents and increase your chances of victory.

Development CardDescription
Knight CardAllows you to move the robber and potentially steal a card from an opponent.
Monopoly CardAllows you to choose a specific resource type and collect all cards of that resource from other players.
Victory Point CardWorth one point towards winning the game.

Understanding the Robber

In the game of Catan, the robber plays a vital role in shaping the course of the game. It can hinder your progress by blocking resource production and even stealing cards from other players. Understanding the rules surrounding the robber and knowing how to deal with its presence on the board will greatly impact your chances of success.

The robber is initially placed on the desert hexagon in the center of the game board. Whenever a player rolls a 7 on the dice, the robber is activated and the player who rolled the dice has the power to move the robber to a new hexagon. The player can choose to place the robber on any hexagon except the desert.

Once the robber is moved, it has two main effects. First, it blocks the production of resources for the hexagon it occupies. This means that any player with a settlement or city adjacent to the hexagon will not receive resources from it until the robber is moved again. Second, when a player with more than 7 cards is forced to discard half of their cards due to the robber’s presence, the player who moved the robber can choose to steal one card from the player they disrupted.

Remember, the robber can be a powerful tool in gaining an advantage in the game. You can strategically place the robber to hinder your opponents’ production or steal valuable cards from them. However, be mindful of the consequences, as upsetting your opponents may lead to retaliation.

It is important to note that a player cannot move the robber to a hexagon where they have a settlement or a city themselves. Additionally, a player cannot place the robber on a hexagon that is already occupied by the robber.

To ensure a fair and balanced gameplay experience, there are a few rules regarding the robber’s movement. If a player has no settlements or cities on the board, the robber cannot be moved. Additionally, the robber cannot be moved to a hexagon where no settlements or cities are present. If all hexagons are either occupied by the robber or contain no settlements or cities, the player who rolled the dice can choose to relocate the robber to the desert hexagon.

Tips for Dealing with the Robber

  • Keep an eye on your opponents’ resources and try to predict their next move. If you notice that an opponent is heavily dependent on a specific resource, consider placing the robber on the hexagon that produces that resource. This will significantly impact their ability to develop and expand their settlement.
  • Strategically placing settlements and cities can help minimize the impact of the robber on your own resources. By spreading out your settlements and cities across various hexagons, you reduce the chances of the robber affecting all of your resource production.
  • Always consider the potential consequences and backlash when moving the robber. It may be tempting to steal resources from a player with many cards, but doing so may make you a target for retaliation. Think about the overall game dynamics and make calculated moves.
Effect of the RobberConditions
Blocks resource productionRobber is placed on a hexagon
Players with settlements or cities adjacent to the hexagon receive no resourcesRobber is placed on a hexagon
Steals cards from player with more than 7 cardsPlayer rolls a 7 on the dice

Advanced Strategies

Once you have a solid grasp of the basic rules of Catan, it’s time to take your gameplay to the next level with advanced strategies. These tactics will give you an edge over your opponents and increase your chances of success. Let’s explore some key strategies that can help you dominate the game.

1. Resource Management

Managing your resources effectively is crucial in Catan. Keep a close eye on the available resources and plan your moves accordingly. Don’t be afraid to trade with other players to acquire the resources you need. Remember to assess the current situation on the board and anticipate future developments to make the best resource management decisions.

2. Road Placement

The placement of your roads plays a vital role in expanding your territory and gaining a competitive advantage. Focus on building roads that allow you to access a diverse range of resources and secure valuable intersections. By strategically placing your roads, you can control key routes and limit your opponents’ expansion.

3. Prioritizing Development Cards

Development cards can be game-changers in Catan, offering powerful abilities that can tilt the odds in your favor. It is essential to prioritize the acquisition of development cards and strategically use them at opportune moments. Keep a good balance between building settlements and acquiring development cards to maintain a well-rounded strategy.

Remember, each game of Catan is unique, and the strategies employed should adapt to the ever-changing dynamics of the board and the decisions made by your opponents.

By mastering these advanced strategies, you’ll enhance your gameplay and increase your chances of victory in Catan. Experiment with different approaches, adapt to the circumstances, and always stay one step ahead of your rivals.

Advanced Strategies for CatanDescription
1. Resource ManagementEffectively managing your resources and trading strategically to acquire the necessary ones.
2. Road PlacementStrategically placing roads to expand your territory, secure intersections, and control key routes.
3. Prioritizing Development CardsFocusing on acquiring development cards and utilizing them strategically to gain advantages.

Expansions and Variations

Catan, the beloved board game, offers a multitude of expansions and variations that breathe new life into the gameplay. These expansions introduce exciting elements and fresh challenges, allowing players to explore new strategies and experiences. Whether you’re seeking additional complexity, new scenarios, or different dynamics, there’s an expansion or variation tailored to your taste. Let’s dive into some popular options that can enhance your Catan adventure.


Seafarers is one of the most popular expansions for Catan. It introduces the concept of exploring and settling on distant islands, expanding the board and opening up new trade routes. With the addition of ships and gold resources, players can navigate through uncharted waters, discover valuable resources, and establish colonies. The expansion also includes scenario variations that add unique challenges and objectives, ensuring endless hours of strategic fun.

Cities & Knights

For those seeking a more intricate gameplay experience, Cities & Knights is the expansion of choice. This expansion delves into the realm of city development, exploring the construction and improvement of city walls, knights, and special city buildings. However, with grandeur also comes danger. Players must defend Catan against the barbarian invasion and work collaboratively to activate special abilities that counter the impending threats. Cities & Knights adds depth and complexity, revolutionizing the dynamics of the game.

Traders & Barbarians

If you’re in search of a diverse and customizable Catan experience, Traders & Barbarians is the expansion you need. It combines several smaller expansions and scenarios, providing a mix-and-match approach that allows players to tailor the game to their preferences. With options like building caravans, constructing bridges, and facing off against fearsome pirates, Traders & Barbarians opens up a plethora of opportunities to explore different strategies and playstyles.

Game Variations

Aside from the official expansions, Catan offers numerous game variations that inject freshness and unpredictability into every play session. Some popular variations include Team Catan, where players cooperate in teams to achieve victory, and Catan: Starfarers, which takes the game to the depths of space with interstellar exploration and resource gathering. These variations provide a twist on the classic game and keep players engaged with new challenges and dynamics.

Whichever expansion or variation you choose, Catan will continue to captivate and entertain, ensuring endless nights of strategic battles and delightful negotiations. So gather your friends, set up the board, and prepare for a journey filled with adventure and excitement!


Throughout this guide, we have provided a comprehensive overview of the essential rules of Catan, ensuring that beginners have a solid foundation to embark on their Catan journey. By familiarizing yourself with the game components, understanding the basics of gameplay, and exploring advanced strategies, you are well-equipped to navigate the challenges and opportunities that Catan presents.

Remember, Catan is not just a game of strategy and competition, but also a platform for social interaction and enjoyment. As you play, don’t be afraid to experiment with different tactics and approaches, discovering your own unique style of play. Embrace the social dynamics of Catan by engaging with your fellow players, negotiating trades, and forging alliances.

Whether you’re playing with friends, family, or fellow enthusiasts, Catan offers endless possibilities for fun and excitement. So gather your resources, set up your settlements, and let the adventure begin!


How many players can participate in a game of Catan?

Catan can be played with 3 to 4 players, but certain expansions allow for up to 6 players.

How do I set up the game board?

To set up the game board, first, lay out the hexagonal tiles in a random order, then place number tokens on each tile. The resources should be distributed according to the numbers on the tokens. Finally, place the robber token on the desert tile.

What is the objective of Catan?

The objective of Catan is to be the first player to reach 10 victory points. Victory points can be earned by building settlements, upgrading them to cities, and accomplishing certain game objectives.

How do I roll the dice in Catan?

To roll the dice, simply click the “Roll Dice” button or shake the physical dice if playing the board game version. The rolled number determines which players receive resources, based on the settlements or cities they have adjacent to the corresponding tiles.

How can I acquire resources in Catan?

Resources can be acquired through dice rolls, where players receive resources if their settlements or cities are adjacent to tiles producing the rolled number. Additionally, resources can be obtained through trading with other players or through special development cards.

Can I trade resources with other players in Catan?

Yes, trading is an essential aspect of Catan. You can initiate trades with other players, offering them resources in exchange for the resources you need. Negotiation and fair trading is key to success.

How do I build structures in Catan?

To build structures, you will use resources. Settlements and cities require specific combinations of resources, while roads simply require wood and brick. Spend your resources wisely to expand your influence on the board.

What are development cards in Catan?

Development cards are special cards that provide various advantages and abilities. They can help you gain resources, defend against the robber, or earn victory points. Development cards are obtained by spending resources at any point during your turn.

Can I play Catan with expansions or variations?

Yes, Catan has numerous expansions and variations that introduce new rules and gameplay elements. Some popular expansions include “Seafarers,” which adds water tiles and boats, and “Cities & Knights,” which includes more complex rules and a new game objective. Explore these expansions to add more depth to your Catan experience.

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